Advertising (In)equality: The impacts of gender inequality in advertising on health and wellbeing

  • Thu, December 06, 2018
  • 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Swanston Hall, Melbourne Town Hall

Registration is closed

Everyday we are surrounded by portrayals of women and men in advertisements. But have you ever wondered how these portrayals impact health and wellbeing? 

Join us for the launch of our new evidence paper 'Advertising (In)equality: The impacts of gender inequality in advertising on health and wellbeing'

The launch will begin with a presentation from Ms Megan Bugden, PhD candidate and Senior Project Officer from Women's Health Victoria on the impacts of advertising (in)equality.This will be followed by a morning tea and networking opportunity. Finally, a workshop exploring opportunities for action in the advertising setting will conclude this launch.

This event is funded by the Victorian Government as part of the Victoria Against Violence campaign

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